Friday, September 7, 2012

Touch Me...please

Touch is and can be such an intimate gesture. It can communicate a ton of emotions without uttering one single word. Often times people presume that touch can be too intimate so they tend to shy away from it. While others jump into the deep end of touch because that's comfortable for them and they just want to experience everything touch has to offer. Before we jump into the sexual realm of things, I'd like for you to think about how little kids touch without fear of rejection. Kids normally invade your space and in return you can't help but to laugh...sometimes because it reminds you of a time when you touched without fear of rejection. 

Today I want to celebrate touch! Try it out. Touch your 30DCP* and when they touch you, touch them back! ACTUALLY, I want you to allow your touch to be the only thing used to convey your thoughts, emotions and energy. Let's also share about our experiences - we should stand for each other and open our minds to the possibilities of ______ (be creative and fill the blank with something astronomical!).

Until later,

* and if you don't have a designated 30 Day Challenge Partner use touch to introduce the idea to them.