Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hold Your Horses

First, we have to welcome Germany. Welcome :)


Although I love the enthusiasms (and even the criticism) we're running waaaaaay too fast. You orginally had a smile on your face - what happened? Seriously - what happened?!? Do you even know?  Did you even recognize when it started to fade? Did you start worrying...I specifically said "Hold Your Horses" :) If you don't slow down you might find yourself being shot down before you even get down :) OR maybe engaged in something you haven't fully thought through.

Maybe we should start with a pro's vs con's list. Do you have any? What do you think you might loose/gain from this? Before you start thinking about your partner (even if you don't currently have one), think about yourself. You're the one that's reading this, you're the one that's gonna attempt to enroll someone in the possibiliy... So get YOU together first.

When was the last time you started a diet, followed all the rules and finished? Will you keep your word this time? It's only 30 days and we're talking about something that may only take a few moments but could drastically change the outcome of your current life. You ok with that? Don't answer me now - Just think about it.  And while you're thinking about it, when you're doing your pro's vs con's list  - think of two pro's for every con. Personally I think I'm allergic to the word No, we say it for No (lol) reason at all. O' and know that I'm not telling you no, I'm simply suggesting that you slow down.

Until later,

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